A regular cleaning with x-rays and exam should last anywhere from 45-60 minutes, depending on the patient.
Our awesome hygienist, Rachel, takes great care of all our patients when they come in for their routine cleanings. It is recommended that you have a cleaning done twice per year to maintain your oral health and to prevent periodontal disease. When you come in for your cleaning Rachel uses instruments that are specifically made to remove calculus and plaque. She will also polish and floss your teeth to remove staining and keep them looking great!
A regular cleaning with x-rays and exam should last anywhere from 45-60 minutes, depending on the patient.
Insurance coverage varies depending on the insurance company and the plan that you have chosen. However, most of the time insurance does cover 100% of any preventative treatment; which usually includes cleanings, exams and x-rays. To get a more precise estimate we would be happy contact your insurance company and get a list of your covered benefits.